“The Ten Most Dangerous Mistakes YOU Probably Here Are The Top Ten Reasons Why Men Fail With Women—And How To Make Sure YOU Avoid Every One Of These Deadly Common Mistakes... -By David DeAngelo, Author Of “Double Your Dating” MISTAKE #1: Being Have you ever noticed that the really attractive women never seem to be attracted "nice" guys? Of course you have. Just like me, I'm sure you've had attractive female friends that always seemed to date "jerks"... but for some reason they were never romantically interested in YOU. What's going on here? It's actually very simple... Women don't base their choices of men on how "nice" a guy is. They choose the men they do because they feel a powerful GUT LEVEL ATTRACTION for them. And guess what? Being nice doesn't make a woman FEEL that powerful ATTRACTION. And being NICE doesn't make a woman CHOOSE you. I realize that this doesn't make a lot of logical sense, and it's hard to ACCEPT... but GET OVER IT. Until you accept this FACT and begin to act on it, you'll NEVER have the success with women that you want. MISTAKE #2: Trying To What do most guys do when they meet a woman that they REALLY like... but she's just notinterested? Right! They try to "convince" the woman to feel differently. Well, I have news for you... YOU WILL NEVER CHANGE HOW A WOMAN "FEELS" WHEN IT COMES TO ATTRACTION! Never, ever, EVER. You cannot CONVINCE a woman to feel differently about you with "logic and reasoning". Think about it. If a woman doesn't "feel it" for you, how in the world do you expect to change that FEELING by being "reasonable" with her? But we all do it. When a woman just isn't interested, we beg, plead, chase, and do our best to change her mind. Bad idea. One that will never work. MISTAKE #3: Looking To Her In our desire to please women (which we mistakenly think will make them like us), us guys are always doing things to get a woman's "approval" or "permission". Another HORRIBLE idea. Women are NEVER attracted to the types of men who kiss up to them... EVER. Don't get me wrong here. You don't have to treat women BADLY for them to like you. But if you think that treating a woman well means "always getting her approval and permission for things", think again. You will never succeed by looking for approval. Women actually get ANNOYED at men who seek their approval. Doubt me? Just ask any attractive woman if Wussy guys who chase her around and want her approval annoy her... To sign up for my free three-times-a-week newsletter AND download your copy of this online eBook, just go here: How many times have you taken a woman out to a nice dinner, bought her gifts and flowers, and had her REJECT you for someone who didn't treat her even HALF as well as you did? If you're like me, then you've had it happen a LOT. Well guess what? It's only NATURAL when this happens... That's right, I said NATURAL. When you do these things, you send a clear message: "I don't think you'll like me for who I am, so I'm going to try to buy your attention and affection". Your good intentions usually come across to women as over-compensation for insecurity, and weak attempts at manipulation. That's right, I said that women see this as MANIPULATION.MISTAKE #5: Sharing Another huge and unfortunate mistake that most men make with women is sharing how they "feel" too early on. Attractive women are rare. And they get a LOT of attention from men. Most men don't realize this, but attractive women are being approached in one way or another ALL THE An attractive woman is often approached several times a DAY by men who are interested. This translate into dozens of times per week, and often HUNDREDS of times per month. And guess what? Attractive women have usually dated a LOT of men. That's right. They have EXPERIENCE. They know what to expect. And one thing that turns an attractive women off and sends her running away faster than just about anything is a guy who starts saying "You know, I really, REALLY like you" after one or two dates. This signals to the woman that you're just like all the other guys who fall for her too fast... and can't control themselves. Don't do it. Lean back. Relax. There's a much better way... MISTAKE #6: Not “Getting” How Attraction Works For Women Women are VERY different from men when it comes to ATTRACTION. You need to accept this fact, and deal with it. When a man sees a beautiful, young, sexy woman, he INSTANTLY feels a sexual attraction. But does the same apply for women? Do women feel sexual attraction to men based mostly on looks? Or is something else going on? Well, after studying this topic for over five full years now, I can tell you that women usually have their "attraction mechanisms" triggered by things OTHER than looks. Have you ever noticed that you see a lot more average and unattractive men with beautiful women than the other way around? Think about it. Women are more attracted to certain qualities in men... and they're attracted to the way a man makes them FEEL than they are to looks alone. If you know how to use your body language and communication correctly, you can make women feel the same kind of powerful sexual attraction to you that YOU feel when you see a hot, sexy young woman. But it's not an accident. You have to LEARN how to do this. And ANY guy can learn how... MISTAKE #7: Thinking That It One of the most common mistakes that guys make is giving up before they've even gotten started... because they think that attractive women are only interested in men who have looks and money... or guys who are a certain height... or guys who are a certain age. And sure, there are some women who are only interested in these things. But MOST women are far more interested in a man's personality than his wallet or his looks. There are personality traits that attract women like a magnet... And if you learn what they are and how to use them, YOU can be one of these guys. YOU DO NOT have to "settle" for a woman just because you aren't rich, tall, or handsome. Let me say this again: If you know how to use your body language and communication correctly, you can make women feel the same kind of powerful sexual attraction to you that YOU feel when you see a hot, sexy young woman. MISTAKE #8: Giving Away Earlier I mentioned that it's a mistake to look to a woman for approval or permission. Well, another similar tactic that a lot of guys use is GIVING AWAY THEIR POWER to women. Said differently, guys try to get women to like them by doing whatever the woman wants. Another bad idea... Women are NEVER attracted to men that they can walk all over... Women aren't attracted to Wussies! MISTAKE #9: Not Knowing Now I'm going to blow your mind... A woman ALWAYS knows what you're thinking. Women are approximately TEN TIMES better than men at reading body language. That's ten TIMES. I know, it might be hard to believe. But for example, if you're out on a date with a woman, and you want to kiss her, she knows it. And if you don't know exactly what to do and exactly HOW to kiss her, and you just sit there looking at her and getting nervous, she won't help! And this goes for ALL aspects of women and dating... Approaching a woman, getting her number, asking her out, kissing her, getting physical... everything. If you don't know what to do in each situation, you will probably screw it up... and LOSE EVERYTHING. And you KNOW it. It is VITALLY important that you know EXACTLY how to go from one step to the next with a woman... from the first meeting, all the way to the bedroom. MISTAKE #10: Not Getting HELP This is the biggest mistake of all. This is the mistake that keeps most men from EVER having the kind of success with women that they truly want. I know, guys don't like to make themselves look weak or helpless. We don't like to ask for help. Hey, I've been there myself. Let me tell you a little about me and how I figured out how to be successful with women... About five years ago I became fed up with the fact that I didn't know how to approach, meet, and get dates with women that I was attracted to. It frustrated the hell out of me. One night I was out with a friend, and I saw a woman I wanted to ask out, but I just couldn't get up the nerve to do it. I can still remember that night... right on the spot I made the decision to do whatever it took to learn how to be successful with women and dating. Well, after a lot of hard work and trying all kinds of crazy things, I finally figured it all out. I can now approach just about any woman and get her number almost instantly. I've dated models, I've dated actresses, and I've dated nice, normal, regular girls as well. It has been a very rewarding experience. I no longer feel that sick, insecure feeling... like I don't know how to meet women... and I might wind up alone. I know that anytime, anywhere, I can go out and meet attractive women. I've written a book on the topic, and I've done seminars on both coasts of the United States... and taught tens of thousands of men all around the world. I Now Have A FREE, Three-Times- ...But the REALLY GREAT news is that I now publish a free email newsletter three times a week that teaches any guy how to increase his success with women DRAMATICALLY. And I'd like to invite you to sign up. It's free, there's no obligation, I'll never share your email address with anyone, and you can easily remove yourself anytime with no hassles (and no, I'll never pull any of these tricks where I send you a bunch of unwanted junk email when you try to remove yourself). Of course, it even get's better than that... In addition to my free email newsletter, I also have a killer downloadable eBook that you can download right now and be reading in literally MINUTES from right now. It's JAM PACKED with dozens and dozens of specific strategies for overcoming fear, approaching women, getting phone numbers and email address from women quickly, great inexpensive or even free date ideas, and how to take things to a "physical" level smoothly and easily. To sign up for my free three-times-a-week newsletter AND download your copy of this online eBook, just go here: •Free Newsletter And Download eBook• Oh, And One More Thing... In this day and age of "instant gratification", I realize that this might just sound like another late-night info-mercial promising to make you rich by next week. Well, that's not the case. I've spent a lot of time, effort, and energy writing this eBook. I wanted to design and create a program that ANY guy could easily understand and start using IMMEDIATELY to meet and date more women... without having to lie, do dishonest things, or be "manipulative". I now believe that ANY man can be more successful with women and dating, and I get emails every day with success stories from guys who are using this program to meet and date wonderful women. I know, I know... an ebook that can teach a regular guy how to be more successful in the dating world? No way. Well believe me, this program will DRAMATICALLY increase your success with women... I absolutely guarantee it 100%. If you'd like to take your success with women and dating to the next level, and have the kind of success that you've always wanted, then go sign up for my free newsletter, get all the details, and check out some great free samples of the eBook located here: Free Newsletter And Download eBook And I'll talk to you again soon. Your Friend,
P.S. Do some friends a favor, and FORWARD this article to their email addresses. It might be the biggest gift you ever give them. _____________________________________________________________ |
jueves, 11 de junio de 2009
What Single Guys By David DeAngelo If you listen to a group of attractive, single women talking alone over dinner or drinks, the topic will always turn to MEN. WHAT ATTRACTIVE WOMEN HATE MOST ABOUT SINGLE GUYS... There's no obligation, and you can easily remove yourself anytime. And believe me, I hate spam as much as you do. You don't have to worry about me ever sharing your email address with anyone. Go here to download my eBook and to sign up: And I'll talk to you again soon. Your Friend,
________________________________________________________________ © 2001-2008 David DeAngelo Communications Inc, |
How By David DeAngelo Let me start off by telling you something interesting: ...and download your copy right now. Learn the secrets that thousands of my readers all over the world are using right now to meet women and get more dates. You'll learn how to approach women, how to get more dates, places to take women that are fun and FREE instead of paying for David DeAngelo is the author of "Double Your Dating - What Every Man Should Know About How To Be Successful With Women", and has taught thousands of men how to be more successful with women and dating. Copyright 2008 David DeAngelo Communications Inc., All Rights Reserved. "David DeAngelo" and "Double Your Dating" are trademarks used by David DeAngelo Communications Inc. |
domingo, 31 de mayo de 2009
David Deangelo - 3 "Major Mistakes" To Avoid On A Date
Hello, I am reading your book now and it's great,
the cocky guy thing is working 100%. I actually
got 5 #'s in 4 days! WOW :) Thanks! My Q is, I met
a girl online, she gave me her #, I called her we
met, got dinner, drinks, then made out! Cool
stuff! She says she is having the greatest time,
blah blah blah. When I kissed her, and made out a
little, she then says, slow down its the first
date. I felt bad for going on so fast. So I said
sorry. When we went home (2 different directions)
everything was cool, (looked like it at least) I
said, "ok, thanks, great time blah blah" the i
said "You want me to call u or u gonna call me?"
She goes "I'll call u, u call me its all good" SO
it ended good, (i think) NOW, Should I CALL HER
the next day or not?
P.S. she wants to go out to a different town with
me for the weekend to have fun. HOW DO I ACT SO I
OK, well ready yourself.
I'm about to do some of my "David D. Quack-
Psycho-Analysis" on you. Emphasis on the Psycho.
In a one paragraph email, you managed to tell
me about a MINIMUM of three major mistakes that
you made with this particular girl. If I really
thought about it, I could probably find another
few in there as well.
So hug your inner child and tell him that
everything is going to be OK before I verbally
abuse him...
Here are the three mistakes that I noticed
right off the bat:
1) Making out with her somewhere other than at
your house (or her house).
2) Apologizing for making out with her.
3) Asking her if you should call her, or if she
should call you.
I'll address each one in a minute in detail,
but first let me start off with some of my Quack
One of the things I say a lot is "Women Aren't
Attracted To Wussies".
I say this because:
1) It's true.
2) If you don't understand this principle, you're
likely to make mistakes that clearly "telegraph"
to a woman that you're a Wuss.
3) When it all comes down, if a woman doesn't feel
ATTRACTION for you, or you somehow manage to screw
up and KILL the ATTRACTION she's feeling... you're
done. Game over.
I think that most of us guys have these little
secret beliefs that we hide from the rest of the
world... and that we TRY to hide from women.
I was having an interesting discussion with a
good friend today, and we were talking about how
most guys act when they're around an "attractive"
Most guys do one of the following:
- Give attractive women a lot of compliments
- Kiss up to attractive women.
- Try to get attractive women to like them by
buying them gifts, dinners and flowers.
- Chase after attractive women and let it be known
that the woman is "a prize worth pursuing" right
from the beginning.
- Hand over all of their power and status to
attractive women.
Know what I'm talking about?
Have you ever seen a guy at dinner with a
beautiful woman... and he's obviously nervous
about the whole situation... and you can tell that
he's doing everything he can to NOT screw up so he
can get the woman's approval?
Have you ever BEEN THAT GUY?
Yeah, me too. A lot.
Well, unfortunately, this kind of behavior
All of the little things that most guys do to
get a woman's approval send a clear message to the
woman that:
Now that I understand this particular aspect of
male/female interactions, I can see the horrible
results all around me.
At bars I watch guys walking up to women and
giving compliments... or offering to buy drinks...
and the women smiling politely thinking, "Oh,
another loser", and excusing themselves...
I see men at dinner with their dates...
DESPERATELY trying to get the women they're with
to show any sign of interest... but the women only
become colder and less interested... And I know
that the women are only getting ANNOYED at this
I read personal ads in the paper and online
from men who are saying "Hey, pick me! I'm a great
guy! No, really!"... and I know that the women
reading these ads are saying to themselves "Yeah,
loser"... and the guys are getting little or no
I think you get the picture.
The point I'm making is that when you do things
like asking her if she wants you to call her or if
she wants to call you... and apologizing for
making out with her, you are making the same basic
Why would you apologize for making out with a
I mean, think about it.
You're not REALLY sorry... otherwise you would
not have done it in the first place. Duh.
You were actually LYING when you said you were
sorry. You were only sorry that she didn't want to
continue, man.
When you said, "I'm sorry", what she HEARD was
"Uh oh, I just screwed up. I'd better say
something quick to fix this. I will put aside my
own wants and desires, and say whatever you want
to hear in hopes that you'll like me and give me
attention and approval".
It's actually even WORSE than that.
The reality of this situation is that when you
apologized, you created a POWER SHIFT.
The power shifted from YOU to HER.
You felt it, and she felt it.
I guarantee that in the few seconds after you
said "I'm sorry", you felt a sinking feeling in
your stomach and knew something was wrong. But I
ALSO guarantee that she felt a little SURGE of
At the same moment you were realizing that you
just did something wrong, she was realizing that
Unfortunately, she probably also felt a little
bit of disappointment in you, because you were
apologizing for something just to get her
approval... and women don't WANT to own men.
Heavy man, heavy.
And the SAME thing happened in the moment that
you asked her if she wanted you to call her or if
she wanted to call you (but probably to a lesser
That's one of those little moments where you
basically said "Here, take the power. Tell me what
you want me to do, and I'll do it. You get to make
the decisions. Please tell me that you want me to
call you, because that will affirm that you like
Keep this up, and you'll probably wind up a
boyfriend who she eventually cheats on... or, even
worse, a boyfriend who she eventually marries and
then divorces because you turned into a boring
Wussy husband from hell.
So, my general advice to you is:
Stop doing things that let her know that she
OWNS you.
One of the best things you can do is learn to
PAUSE before you respond to ANYTHING that makes
you feel an "Emotional Wussy Rush".
If she says something that indicates that she's
not happy with you or your behavior, PAUSE.
Don't respond. Stay still. Keep the mouth shut
and the brain operating.
If you have to, run everything through your
mental "Wussy Analyzer".
Decide if the response you're going to give her
is to get her approval, and if it is, STOP.
Don't do things that hand over the power in the
relationship. Don't let the things a woman says
shake you emotionally.
Finally, I want to address your mistake of
making out with her somewhere other than in your
house or her house.
I'm sure the reason is obvious, right?
One of the best things I've learned is that if
you LEAN BACK when you're out on a date with a
girl, and don't try to "make your move" early on,
you'll do MUCH better later.
You mentioned that you're reading my eBook
right now... and it sounds like you're actually
doing pretty well. If you've gotten five women's
numbers in four days, I think you're going to
live... lol.
Pay close attention, because in my eBook (and
especially in my Advanced Dating Techniques CD/DVD
program) I share some KILLER techniques for making
it completely "natural" for a woman to come back
to your place, come inside, etc. and the exact
steps to take, to take things to a "physical
level" once you're there.
Most guys totally screw this part up.
They go to all the trouble to approach a woman,
get her number, call her, get a date, go on the
date, pay for the date, spend all that time... and
then have NO IDEA what to do next.
The reality is that if you just KNOW WHAT TO
DO, and you've prepared in advance, you can easily
take things to the next level... and give her an
experience that will make her DEFINITELY call you
back for another date.
David Deangelo - 4 Traits Of A "Cool Guy"
Here's Are 4 Traits Of A "Cool Guy"...
I get a lot of questions from guys asking all
kinds of questions about how to behave around
In fact, this might be one of the areas that
guys want to know the most about.
I've been doing a lot of thinking over the past
year or so about the concept of being "cool".
In other words, I've been watching people
(myself included) to see if I could figure out why
some people are considered "cool" while some are
considered "not-so-cool"... and more importantly,
how to use this idea to have more success with
So what is a "cool guy"?
And what is it about a guy who's "cool" that
makes women feel more attracted to him than an
"uncool" guy?
Let me tell you a few quick mini-stories about
guys I've known who were UN-cool.
One friend I used to have LOVED to argue with
people. He would start arguments about anything
and always take the opposite perspective on every
topic. He did this with women all the time too. I
think he felt like he was coming across as smart
when he argued. Guess what? Women hated it, and
ran as soon as he started in. His guy friends
hated it too. He was UN-cool because his
insecurity was so strong, that he had to argue to
get attention.
Another friend I have always tries to do nice
things and favors for women he likes. As soon as
he meets a woman he likes, he tries to find
something he can do for her. Of course, he then
gets upset when the woman doesn't return the
feelings of affection... and he acts upset and
"taken advantage of". This, of course, makes women
run away. As you can probably guess, he's trying
to manipulate women with favors. And women resent
him for it. Women don't think he's cool, and they
avoid him.
I know one guy who loves to tell women how
beautiful they are, buys them drinks and dinners,
and pursues them with the "You're the greatest
thing in the world and I'm going to chase you
around and try to buy your attention". And even
though he's doing a lot of "nice" things for the
women he's interested in, he can't keep one around
for more than a date or two. Even his guy friends
think that he needs to calm down and act more
"cool" in general.
Now, all three of the guys I've mentioned above
have different problems... but the way I see it,
they're all strangely related.
Here are a few more quick stories about guys I
know who are "cool".
One guy I know always has girls around him. In
fact, I don't think I've ever seen him WITHOUT at
least one girl with him. Usually he has three or
four girls with him... and sometimes up to 10 or
12. He always makes fun of the girls, teases them,
and treats them like good friends who he's
comfortable enough to bust on. He's not rich, he
doesn't buy things for women, and he doesn't kiss
up to them. He DOES, on the other hand, make it
his business to know where the "cool" places are
in town, where to go out, and who to call for the
"inside track" on where the hot spots are. Then he
shows up at the door to these hot spots with five
women. EVERYONE who knows him thinks of him as a
"cool" guy.
I have another friend that is really amazing
with women. But he does something that's rather
unusual when he's around women. He kind of IGNORES
them when he first meets them. If he's out with
friends, and one of them introduces a female
friend to him, he'll shake her hand and say "hi",
then TURN AWAY and go back to whatever he was
doing. Somehow, the women that are around him
always want to talk to HIM. And all the guys he
knows think of him as one of the coolest guys
Finally, I have one friend who literally says
things to women like, "You probably wouldn't like
me. I don't really have relationships with women.
Our relationship will probably go no further than
the physical..." If you've seen my Advanced DVD
Program, you probably remember him saying these
exact words when I'm interviewing him. He's so
calm and laid back around women that they have to
pursue HIM... and it happens a lot. He's
blunt, direct, and honest about whatever is on his
mind. He doesn't chase women, buy them things, or
smother them with compliments... and yet, they
love him. And he has a crew of guy friends who all
love him and think he's one of the "coolest" guys
in the world.
So what is it that separates the "cool" guys
from the "uncool" guys?
What is "cool"?
What is it that makes a few rare people the
kind of people that EVERYONE wants to be around?
What is it about UN-cool guys that repels other
people, and makes women run away?
And what is it about this element that I'm
calling "cool" that makes guys who have it attract
more women than they can handle?
I personally think that being "cool" comes down
1) Being independent
2) Being indifferent
3) Being funny
4) Being socially adjusted
Before I get into each of these in detail, I
want to mention something...
Usually, I tend to stick to techniques to help
you meet more women, or give you advice to get
past limiting beliefs, etc.
I've realized recently that there are a few
BASIC, FUNDAMENTAL things that we, as guys, need
to really "get" about interacting with other
people before we start trying to learn advanced
stuff, like how to approach and meet women. If you
don't have some of the basic things handled, all
the fancy techniques in the world won't fix your
So stick with me here, this is important.
OK, so let's talk about the four components
that I mentioned above.
Independent is the OPPOSITE of "dependent".
When you act "dependent", you lean on others,
you look to them for approval, you ask what they
think before you make a decision, you tend to want
to stay physically close to them, and your
feelings tend to depend on what others feel and
think of you.
When you act INDEPENDENT, you lean back, you do
things because YOU decided you wanted to, you
don't ask others what they think - instead you
decide yourself, you are fine walking away from
your friends for awhile when you're out, and your
feelings are controlled by what YOU think, not
what others think.
A "dependent" person will go into a bar with
friends, stick close to them all night, ask what
everyone else is drinking before they order, get
upset easily about things that others say, and
constantly be looking for attention and approval
in some way.
An INDEPENDENT person, on the other hand, will
go into a bar with friends and be more likely
to... walk away and look around the place ALONE to
see who's there - and feel fine about leaving
their friends for awhile and striking up a
conversation with a stranger... They'll order a
drink if they want, or water if they want - and
not care what everyone else is drinking... They'll
be cool and calm no matter what happens - even if
others are getting upset around them... And, most
importantly, they aren't looking to others for
attention and approval. They're doing their own
thing, and enjoying whatever happens.
Most people in this world are ATTACHED to the
outcomes of things. They're constantly worrying
about what's going to happen... and talking about
the future in a fearful, uncertain way.
This type of person always wants to know what
other people think of them, and they're worrying
about what they should do so other people will
like them. Unfortunately, this almost ALWAYS comes
across as INSECURITY.
An INDIFFERENT person, on the other hand, just
goes about life and takes things as they come.
The indifferent person is INDIFFERENT to the
outcome of whatever situation they're in.
If it's a man, and he's approaching a woman, he
will be OK with whatever happens. If she's nice to
him, great. If she's uptight, no problem. If she's
rich, famous, and beautiful... and starts coming
on to him, fine. No big deal.
When you are ATTACHED to the outcome of a
situation, it makes you act all kinds of freaky.
You pause, act nervous, hold back, look for
approval, act insecure... and any of 100 other
unattractive things.
On the other hand, when you're INDIFFERENT to
the outcome, it makes you MAGNETIC. Especially
when it comes to women and dating. Indifference is
the ultimate way to show a LACK of insecurity in
Humor is magic.
It's a complete mystery why we find things
"funny" and why we "laugh".
Crying because someone died makes some logical
sense. It's a bad thing, and crying expresses a
negative emotion.
But when you see a dog run into a window
because he doesn't see it... and he gets a
confused look on his face, you LAUGH. What's with
Humor is interesting to me, in that if you're
funny, it makes people FEEL GOOD inside. They
laugh, and it triggers positive feelings.
If you're not naturally funny, it's a great
skill to learn. Read books. Watch live comedy. Do
whatever it takes to learn how to be funny.
Most of the "coolest" guys I know are wickedly
funny. Some of them are only funny on occasion...
but they "get it"... and when they do make a joke,
it's DAMN funny.
I know that this sounds funny, but most of the
people I know who are "UN-cool" are not very
adjusted socially.
They lack a certain something in the "social
skills" department that makes it OBVIOUS to others
(and especially to women) that they don't know how
to relate very well to other people. They just
never learned how to make others feel comfortable
around them.
If you've ever known an accountant or computer
programmer that was brilliantly smart, but totally
boring, you know what I mean.
If people act kind of nervous, strange, and
uncomfortable when they're around you, then you
also know where I'm coming from on this.
I can't teach you how to make people feel
comfortable around you in two sentences, but if
you need to learn how to mix with people socially,
then start PAYING ATTENTION to what's going on
around you.
Watch how others dress, carry themselves, walk,
and talk. Pay attention to little details... like
saying, "What's up?" when you meet someone new,
instead of "Hello, pleased to meet you" and such.
...now, is this all there is to being "cool"?
Of course not.
But it's a great start.
If you can first get yourself to the place
where other people want to be around you just
because they enjoy your company, you'll find that
taking things to the next level with women will be
about 10 times easier.
I've had this conversation with MANY of the
guys I know who are successful with women, and
they all basically say the same thing... you have
to learn how to be "cool" and make others (women)
feel comfortable just being in the same room with
you. And if you're "cool", this happens almost
instantly. If you're not "cool", then you're going
to have a hard time making ANYONE feel comfortable
with you... never mind having a woman feel
Now, I also realized that a lot of the
materials that I teach in my eBook and Advanced
Dating Techniques CD/DVD Program are aimed at this
EXACT topic.
Even though I don't talk very much about this
concept (I will in the future, though), you'll
notice that many of the techniques you'll learn
from my materials will help you in a lot of areas
of your life... not just with women.
As a direct result of the things I've learned
about how to be more successful with women and
dating, I've ALSO become more successful at things
like being invited to "exclusive" parties, having
famous and successful people pursue me as a
friend, and just generally being invited into more
"exclusive" social circles.
Why is this?
Well, for one thing, people who know a lot of
"cool" or influential people are very careful
about who they "bring along" to gatherings with
The LAST thing someone "cool" needs in their
life is an "UN-cool" person making a jackass of
themselves in front of all of their friends.
When you learn the art of being "cool", you
start to attract other cool people. And those
people will see that you're not insecure,
emotionally unstable, clingy, and such. They'll
see that you know how to handle yourself with
other people (and with women), and they'll start
introducing you to other cool people (including
women) instead of running away from you.
I know that this newsletter is going to ignite
a whole series of letters to me about how learning
these concepts has done exactly what I'm talking
about for various guys (and I want to hear about
it, by the way, so make sure you write in).
So, want more great ideas on how to be "cool",
and how to meet and date more women?
I thought so...
It took me a long time to figure out how to be
"cool" around women... and how to make women feel
that powerful physical and emotional response
called ATTRACTION...
I can't tell you how much I wish I could have
known what I teach when I was younger. It's taken
me literally YEARS to put all the pieces together,
and I invite you to take advantage of the time,
effort, energy, and money I've invested to
discover, refine, and organize all of the step- by-
step techniques I've put together...
David Deangelo - "Approaching Women" - A Great Technique
Hello Dave,
I just wanted to start off by saying you have very
valid points with women. I have worked at bars and
restaurants where women come in looking to hook up
with men. And the cocky-funny attitude works
wonders. I'm 22 going on 23 and I have had no
problem ever getting women to give me their
number. But there is one problem I do have. That
is timing "the call". When should I call? Plus I
used your "Are you single" approach with this very
attractive girl. She gave me 5 mins of her time
and I found out some cool things about her. She
was very hesitant on giving me her number, but
after I sat down to talk to her, she gave me her
number. Well, I called her two days after she
gave me her number and she was on the other line.
So she told me to call her back in 15 mins. I
waited 30 and she never answered the phone. so I
left a message. Should I rip up her number and
never call her again? Or should I call her in a
week? Your advise would be greatly appreciated.
Plus why would she give me her number if she
planned on not talking to me in the first place?
I personally think that this is one of the
funniest questions I hear. I mean, haven't you
watched "Swingers"? lol...
My rule of thumb is to wait at least one day,
but not more than a few. The real key is how OFTEN
you call her, and more importantly, what you SAY
when you call.
But let's talk about the psychology of why
women give out their phone numbers, and why I
personally like to get email addresses.
You must remember that attractive women are
being approached all the time by men, in one way
or another.
They have an unlimited supply of guys to choose
I think that a lot of women who give out their
numbers, but then respond by being flaky when you call,
are doing something that many of us guys wouldn't
have thought of in a million years:
I think they're making themselves feel good.
Explained differently, I think that many women
who give out their numbers are looking for the
self-image-boosting hit of power that comes from
having a lot of men calling them... men that THEY
have the power to ACCEPT OR REJECT.
They can also use it to get attention from
"All these guys just keep calling me! Why don't
they just leave me alone! Don't they get the
Now, don't get me wrong. I know that this
sounds a little bit negative... and I don't mean
to say that ALL women do this, or that ALL women
are bad, etc.
To me, it's just part of the real world that
you need to learn to accept and deal with.
Which leads me to why I get email addresses...
Keep in mind, I've tried a lot of different
things when it comes to curing this problem of
hot-and-cold women who act one way when you meet
them, then totally different when you call.
And what I've found is that if you get EMAILS
instead, you not only differentiate yourself, but
you also increase your chances of hearing back
from her by about 100%. No lie.
For some reason, email has a power that a call
does not.
If you have my ebook "Double Your Dating", then
you have read about the technique for getting a
woman's email address within a few minutes of
meeting her. Email is also seen as lower risk by
her... and it's easier to get as well.
Try it. You'll like it.
Being cocky is the best way to go! I have picked
up more chicks reading your newsletter then I ever
have in my life. Getting the digits is a problem i
used to have and really sweat about. But now its a
breeze! and i average about 3-5 a week.
But anyway to my dilemma..! I met this chick at
work, she is very good looking and we flirt all
the time. But she has a boyfriend! He drives a
killer truck and he is 22 and im 19. Recently we
have been flirting and talking more then ever. but
a co-worker went up to her and said that i really
like her and that she should stop sending me the
wrong signals since she has a boyfriend. So she
comes up to me and tells me that flirting is just
part of her personality and that she has a
boyfriend that she plans on being with for a
while. But it just doesn't add up... when im
around her i get a totally different vibe...
everybody around me tells me that they can tell
she wants me. Plus i already have her number
THANKS TO YOU!!!! but how do i get past the mature
rich boyfriend. Or boyfriends in general!! im
stumped on how to retaliate Please help me find
out what she wants, and how to send the bf packin!
i am so stuck on this chick that i even find
myself being depressed after that day... HELP
your loyal fan.
With all the women out there that don't have
boyfriends who drive trucks... and don't work at
the same place you do (which can only lead to
problems in the long run), why are you spending
your time pining away over this one?
I know, I know. She's extra good-looking, and
she's funny, and blah blah blah.
Look, just be her friend, and keep teasing her.
She's great target practice.
But do yourself a major favor, and go find a
girl who doesn't have a truck-owning boyfriend,
and who doesn't work with you.
Then, if the stars align in the future, she
won't have Truck Man anymore, and you won't work
at the same place, and she'll be so attracted to
you from all of the teasing that she'll follow you
around like a puppy.
Stop wasting your mental energy trying to get
something that has a high risk of turning out very
bad, and focus on finding opportunities that make
more sense.
Hi David,
What are your thoughts on approaching groups? And
what's the best way to approach a group of girls?
I just moved to Vegas, and I've found that
beautiful girls will frequently travel in groups
of up to 8 girls or more. What have you found
works best for approaching groups? Thanks!
The only reasons I can see for approaching a
"Group" of 8 or more girls are:
1) You have a bunch of friends, and you're trying
to hook them all up.
2) You really like challenges and entertaining
I know someone who loves to approach groups of
people, and he's great at it. He uses a
combination of magic, humor, and other great
techniques to charm everyone, then leaves with the
girl of his choice.
But as far as I'm concerned, it's not the group
you're after most of the time... it's one woman in
the group... so stop with the "GROUP-THINK".
OK, 8 women walk into a club together (sounds
like the beginning of a good joke). What happens
over the next 2 hours?
Well, some of them peel off and dance, some go
to the bar for a drink, some go to the lady's room
to powder their noses...
There are all kinds of opportunities to meet
women when they're not in the group of 8. And I'll
tell you what, if she is standing at the bar with
her 7 friends and you start talking to her, the
other 7 will go about their business and not care.
Just go get her email address. That's all you
Or learn magic. Really.
As a female subscriber I'd like to admit to
consciously falling for many of the techniques
outlined in your newsletter. I'm a nineteen year
old college girl and have been dating my boyfriend
for four years. His occasional disinterest in me
only makes me want him more. He doesn't call or
email me as often as i call him or think it
necessary that we spend every weekend together and
i know he has a life other than me (i find this
terribly attractive). His body language or habit
of "taking up space and leaning back" is
irresistible and his cocky attitude has been
making me hot for years. I want to tell your male
subscribers not to lose the cocky/funny routine
after they have found a girl they like; not just
to keep her, but to attract other girls as well. i
find it a huge turn on when i catch other girls
checking out my guy.
Ah, yes. Thanks for the comments. Next time do
tell more about the whole "I find it a huge turn
on when I catch other girls checking out my guy"
Hi David,
I have a question for you. Does the techniques you
use in your book work on women of all races? I am
African - American.
I get literally hundreds of emails a week from
all over the world telling success stories, so my
guess is that "yes, they do"...
And as a matter of fact, I'd like to thank all
my readers from every corner of the planet for
staying tuned, and for sending in your questions
and stories.
Often, the person sending the story doesn't
speak or write English very well, and I don't
speak their language, so I don't include them in
these Mailbags... but I try to respond personally
when I can.
My answer to you is: Try it. I think these
principals are universal when it comes to women.
Just take your local customs, traditions, and
benchmarks of proper behavior, as cultures
differ... and I know that our culture in America
is different than many of the cultures around the
David, I just wanted to give your book a plug to
all the men out there who are currently involved
in a long-term relationship and want to spice
things up. Using the techniques described in your
book I completely turned around a 10 year
relationship that had gone stale. We went from
having sex 2-3 times a day in the first 6 months
of the relationship to once or twice a MONTH in
the last couple of years. After reading your book,
I began the whole cocky/funny routine on my wife
and stopped giving in to every little whim she had
and...BAM! Just like that she was attracted again.
She tried to pretend that she didn't like the
cockiness, but her actions showed how she really
felt about it. We're now back to 2-3 times a week
and I'm loving life. Thanks buddy for a great
Can I just tell you how much I love getting
emails like this one? Hats off to you.
I just wanted to say I LOVE YOU MAN! for
emphasizing the COCKY AND FUNNY philosophy. I've
recently tried out this Internet dating thing and
man I'm telling you that I turned up the volume to
the max on being "cocky and funny" towards the
cutest chicks on the web. Let me tell you man that
my profile reads like a d*ckhead who can be
hilarious at the same time wrote this stuff. I
would say things like I got "abs" and sh*t, and
that I only date girls with pretty faces and who
have cute feet and straight teeth; that I like to
party and have fun and look good doing it and that
my weakness is that I can be an a**hole sometimes
but give me one reason to change? You would not
believe the response so far. I'll keep you posted.
Keep up the good advice.
lol... You just gotta love guys who take things
to the limit, huh? I think you're starting to get
it... lol.
Hi Dave,
This cocky/funny stuff becomes part of you after
you use it for a while. I have gotten numerous e-
mails and dates under my belt thanks to you.
Example : I met this girl at a bar, mostly college
crowd. Lot of guys were hitting on her. But as
soon as I saw her alone - I approached her. Here
is the dialogue:
Me: Hey, can I ask you a quick question? Her:
ya.... Me: You go to college around here? Her: no
(and then she looks away as if not interested) Me:
(I tap on her shoulder) So where you from? Her:
From...(she gives the city name 4hrs away from
where I live) Me: How do you like it here? Her: I
am visiting friends (She looks away again and
talks to her friend). Me: So what do you do in
(her town)? Her: I go to pharmacy school... Me: SO
YOU ARE A DRUG DEALER?? Her:(She cracks up and the
ice is broken).....small talk .....ya da ya da.
me: small talk.....ya da ya da me: I need to go
back to my friends but nice meeting you.(I turn
away) her: nice meeting you too (I really had her
attention by now) Me: (Turn back) do you have e-
mail? her: I don't check my e-mail often. ME:
"Ha!ha!ha!" (I started laughing loud) Her:(Little
disarmed) Me: Do you have electricity? Her:
no....(cracks up)....I really don't check e- mail.
Me: Listen girl....imagine the worst case
scenario...(do as mentioned in you DD book) .....I
just want to make friends with a DRUG DEALER. Her:
Okay...here is my e-mail. TOTAL TIME - 3 minutes
and 16 seconds to get her e-mail - yes i timed it.
We have exchanged e-mails back and forth now. She
even asked me to come to her place to go
I replied back saying: "What?? I don't even know
you and u want me already? Sorry I am not that
easy. Whatever happened to the good old days when
ladies invite guys for coffee first?"
She is special (she is awesome and seems to have
good personal qualities). Problem is she lives
four hours away - how do I go about doing this
long distance thing? I told her to come on down
to my town. Provided she has personality that
matches her looks - I think she would be worth my
time and I would drive 4hrs to see her.
I know, isn't it great that this stuff actually
By the way, nice touch asking the pharmacy
school gal if she's a drug dealer.
This is a great example of EXACTLY what to do
when you meet a girl. Read it again.
And as for the driving 4 hours thing... In the
4 hours of driving EACH WAY, you could probably go
out and meet several other nice young ladies that
are a bit closer. Maybe she loves to drive?
Hey Dave,
Unsolicited, I think you're book is AMAZING. NICE
WORK! Breaking rapport with humor is a charm! I'm
having a blast with it. Ex: Attractive older
woman at the cash register tells me to move over
to the next register, then she tells another clerk
to take care of the next customer, I say, "You
just order EVERYBODY around...DON'T you?" She
goes, "I'm too old to get married, but I LIKE you!
You're REAL!" So of course, I responded, "Well, I
just do what I'm told, but I'm not so sure about
you...too BOSSY." Women love this stuff!
Question: I've noticed in three different
occasions where chicks have respond to my actions
by pouting. I know that you've had some great
recommendations, i.e., saying, "You're cute when
you pout.", etc. and it works, but, in your
opinion, have you found that the pouters have a
lot of personal baggage? Or is that normal
female behavior??...or BOTH. The last thing I want
to do is get too involved with a neurotic. Please
share your experience and observation. Thanks, DJ
Well, if you date enough women, you'll get just
about every possible response in the world.
Sure, once in awhile a woman will pout if you
give her a hard time and tease her.
It's a judgment call, but if you're dealing
with a fragile personality just say, "Oh, lighten
Most of the time, just do what you're doing...
"You're cute when you're mad" is great.
Thanks for your story.
Dave, its working too good for me!!!....lol! You
truly know ur stuff. I've had so many girls
me in the last couple of months. Ive narrowed
down my girls down to 2 and they both cant get
enough of me, but theres one i really like out of
the 2. I've recently decided to break it off with
one of them and stick with the one i really like,
but there's a problem. With the one that i really
like, no one really has the upper hand in the
relationship. I dont know what i have to do to
gain this powerful control. How can i make this
girl wait on my every word!??!?! Any help would
be much appreciated. Once again, you are the man
Dave. Thanks again.
Ahhhhh... interesting.
The one you like is the one who won't allow
herself to be controlled. An attractive woman with
a sharp mind and a quick wit. A challenge.
Probably not a coincidence, my friend.
Of course, this is the same thing a woman is
looking for in a man... someone who is
interesting, challenging, unpredictable...
If I were you, I'd thank my lucky stars that:
1) You found a woman that is this great.
2) You learned how to be and stay attractive to
You sound like a guy who's interested in having
a great relationship, but I'm not a relationship
I get guys INTO troubles like yours, not help
them deal with it!
You poor, poor dear.
OK, I gotta go... but one more thing...
If you are thinking to yourself "I really,
really need to get this part of my life
You certainly do need to get it handled.
You need to learn how to become more successful
with women and dating RIGHT NOW.